Good Day Everyone, in this series of Adsense, I will be walking you all through the steps on How to Get Your Website Indexed and what sort of methods should be applied.
But before I begin with today‘s Journey, let me add that it is not a very long process.
It may seem so but is not as it hardly takes only five minutes for performing such a task.
Well, at this point let me add a little more to my content regarding like for example everyone must have noticed that whenever I write some post, I keep using the word when it comes to referring with in accordance to a third person.
The most common example for this is that I many times use the words like he/she together when referring to somebody but from now on.
I will be using A or B as it sounds much cooler plus it gets interesting while reading the story of the century.
I will try this new aspect, Let's see it in upcoming passages. One more thing to make note of is that whenever I will be giving hints then it is not possible that the next passage will only contain information regarding it.
As any post for that matter can contain information matching the hints in between the newer articles.
I do hope this much is clear, so let's start today‘s topic ….
Let me make it clear with the concept first that, why is indexing so much important because for example Neha has written an article that is original enough and she does not want anyone else to copy her content.
Anyone can copy her content but what if she lets Google know that it is her article.
Now what Google will do when it indexes an article, It will register her article in Google records and after that even if someone tries to copy and tries to index her article, then Google will not register in its records.
As that article is already registered by Neha and that will further give an impression to that person that this is copied content.
So make this a note that It is very highly recommended that you get your article indexed in Google Search Console.
Do not worry as I will be guiding you now with images as well as steps on going about it.
Step One
Open Google Chrome on Your PC or mobile
, click on the first search result
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