In this series of " Journey to Adsense," I am going to discuss few highlights from the previous passage plus I will be giving you an overview regarding few more tips that will be helpful for everyone. So let's get moving, in the previous journey I had given you in-depth knowledge about " Publishers On Air ".
Today I will be telling you the basic difference between attending a live session and watching a prerecorded session, I will be recommending as per my knowledge but see ultimate decision lies with you as per what path you will choose, that I will not be forcing you on those terms.
What happens is if you attend a live session of it, then there lies an advantage with you and that is that you can ask as many questions as possible from the team in a direct way but in terms of prerecorded sessions, I will not insist on the fact that you cannot watch it, of course, you can as per your wish.
The only problematic factor that I can foresee is that one may be at a disadvantage in terms of getting your queries solved there. As in this case, that power of asking questions is not possible, the rest I leave it to your wisdom.
Another thing that I came across in this series is that recently I was cross-checking my earnings tab as well as analyzing all the information that I came forth and I kind of like the way that the Google AdSense team is working around the clock in making it easier to solve the violations and making it simpler for everyone.
As I have recently liked their violation regarding invalid traffic as it happened to me, as earlier due to some unknown reason invalid traffic was such a violation that the account was suspended immediately.
The main problem in getting such a violation is that it is difficult to know for sure that from which source is your site getting invalid traffic as it can be generated from anywhere, as it can further include some system-generated or by some hacker or even any hater who does not in real sense does not like you to succeed ahead in life.
Nowadays invalid traffic has performed a blessing in disguise for me, I will let you know as to why I am saying such a thing.
Because reason is quite simple even I was also receiving some invalid traffic but instead of marking it as a violation from Google on my website, It somehow has managed as from now on what Google does is it reduces some portion of my total earnings and even shows me that We have deducted such amount from your overall earnings in a month because of such and such reason.
Invalid traffic can also mean that the same user is viewing your content from the same IP address. Thanks to even my Bhabhi Ma for giving me in-depth knowledge regarding such a violation. Now moving forward I would like to introduce the term "favicon" in front of you all.
So, first of all, it has got no relevance to your AdSense Approval, to be honest as it is kind of an added attraction to your website which can be made free of cost.
What is its relevance, I will be sharing all of this and how to generate and apply it to your website. I will be adding that practical exercise by attaching various steps along with images for a better understanding of the favicon icon today itself on my website in another newer post.
Let's get ahead and let me disclose this information as it is quite understood also from the fact that I am on verge of evolving my passages by making fewer or fewer grammatical mistakes with writing more and even more.
So I guess this time it is enough for this passage and I will see you next time. One moment please before I end this passage, I would like to add the ending part as usual that if you find my articles useful as I am doing too much hard work in making them then please share with your family and friends.
Stay Safe!
Take Care!
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