The show starts with Taarak Mehta not the original one but the role played by Shailesh Lodha. He was narrating in front of Charlie Chaplin's picture and he refers to that Charlie Chaplin used to tell that " Laughter is very important in our lives " and That person is happy who knows how to laugh on himself ". All of a sudden scene changes and the real Taarak Mehta at first wears his spectacles upside down and gives a brief overview of how did all of the characters in his magazines came to reality. After that, the character of Taarak Mehta comes to the screen and narrates different types of people who live in Gokuldam Cooperative Society, and suddenly her wife who is Anjali Taarak Mehta comes out of no where and tells him that why is he talking to himself. Neha Mehta is playing the role of Anjali Taarak Mehta and she gives a short intro in then goes away from the camera. Then again Taarak Mehta faces the camera and tells its viewers that she is not just her wife b...
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