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Journey to Adsense ( part 2 )


                                                Journey to Adsense ( part 2 )


Hello Everyone, Welcome to 2nd part of this series where I will be covering those topics that are not stated so far. So as I was saying that for beginners again I would recommend them to stop copying content also, as for this topic I have already written an article so I will leave link of that Article in the end for those who have not read this article plus I will be dropping down all the links that I have already written for in said bottom.

 For me at present it does not take much time in finding a topic and its contents as I for me I  have already gained the experience that I needed by writing various articles along the way plus I am much more confident in searching a topic within seconds as I do not face much difficulty in doing so But when I think of the time as a beginner then in those times it was really mind boggling task for me even then I used to take quite few hours for a single topic and then same for writing the content  , all of this is natural and understood.

With each passing day I converted those hours in the form of few minutes and from few minutes to few seconds as of present plus I never ever even copied a single sentence from anywhere, it all got enveloped in my mind . The best tip that I will be giving you in this whole process is to practice, the more you practice the more you are in a condition of efficiency plus effectiveness also.

 Lets move forward in this passage and make it more flexible for all kind of readers , at this point I will be reminding all those reading that even I have to present written text in such a form that even those who are of 13 years of age can also understand and know various terms used in each and every line  , this statement of writing in such a way that  I am fulfilling all Policies of Adsense right here.

 That is the main reason that I have writing in such lengthier passages, for those children to glance and every line and understand all the meanings of it in there plus reason why I have called this Google Policy amazing is that it is quite simple that everyone writing a blog for example bloggers like me for example will not only have command in their writing but also on their thinking process as what to write where.

 I do hope all of this is clear by now. If any queries regarding this or any suggestions kindly write it down in the comment box below this article. Many people think that I work in Google Adsense because I have got approval in such a shorter time plus I keep rolling new articles every day, anyway in terms of non bloggers who do not have knowledge about this, I was really expecting such a response anyway.

 So sorry again I got drifted from the topic so I was saying no sorry here again also I was writing that to become an excellent and qualified blogger, kindly please apply to Google Policies while writing a blog because it always happens that after you have written later you realize that there is somewhere some part of sentence that could have been avoided.

 At this point it is such rush of actions that bloggers do in editing their blogs and then again publishing it, Arey Bhaiya be focused while writing and then rereading before publishing to avoid such errors. There is a very easy way to navigate to my website even if someone has lost its address, So let me give those magic words by which it is very easier to go through my website  , GO to and then type  , after this hit enter button and first search result showing on next page with name Articles click on  it and my website will open . See I have helped in saving lots of precious time in doing so.

So to make it more simple I will be attaching pictures , please refer to the highlighted text in them.

                                                                             First step 

                                                                  Second Step 


                                                                         Third Step


                                                                     Fourth Step


                                                                 Final Step


 Please kindly click on the images to view it in full size

THAT IS IT   See So Easy

So I was writing that by indexing your website in Google Search Console not only does it registers your pages in Google but Google team reviews those pages and then rank the website on their page if everything is okay and in compliance with their policies.  Many people interpret my posts wrong in sense that I had been writing on the date displayed as per my posts on my website but this is not the present scenario as now I have made up mind as I always write an article day before making it visible on my website as in  meantime I have got many other issues that needs priority attention. I have just attached these screenshots as per Google search result view in India  , I am really not aware of what will be shown after searching for my website in on google in other parts of the world.  I am here by leaving This article open ended as I will be writing more about it in upcoming posts.


Links for my pages


How To Get Google Adsense Approval ?  


Journey To Adsense 

Copying Content


Link for all posts  


The Corona Pandemic has shown that the whole World and a country like India and an institution like IGNOU can provide e – learning technologies to its learners at low cost and the whole gamut of higher education can be taken care of successfully through distance – mode.


                                  TO BE CONTINUED . . . . . .  


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