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Showing posts from June, 2022

Outburst Of Emotions ( Part 7 )

I just had a strange dream. I do not know whether to include this as it was one miracle that had to happen no matter what happened. So what happened was that I was roaming in the darkness of my fantasy world.  I had abandoned all of the feelings that were far far away from reach but now I realize that somewhere it quite takes time for that magical bond to take its toll. I know that my Bhabhi is now a fully qualified mother so all the attention that I was getting earlier has been shifted towards the next generation but she seems to have completely forgotten the one who took so much care of her.  It is a feeling like this only but cannot be helped. It all depends on the priority list. I will never say such things in front of her verbally but deep down I know how I feel and this burning feeling of not communicating even a little is what is doing all the trick.  I am quite fed up and I deserve the right to be treated like other family members. It is okay to take care of the n...

Outburst Of Emotions ( Part 6 )

  It is not even a dream as on the other hand somewhere I am again getting that kind of feeling of being avoided as if I simply do not exist in a world like this where I thought that it was a nice place to live but trust me on this one and I have again started to feel annoyed by not giving any single opportunity of treating the friendship that I had with my bhabhi Ma. I have started to feel that there are only 3 members that exist in the family.  Even so, adding one more has given me the creeps of feeling too much lost in a city of wasteland. It is simply a wasteland for me now as I value human beings much on top of ridiculous topics to be discussed by the same man again and again.  Calling something which is the most valuable asset in terms of the junkyard is unforgivable. Talking to the lower class behind my back and secretly discussing all the rubbish things is something that Is always and always will be a wasteful list of conversations.  I have lost the value of ...

Thoughts Of The Writer ( Part 11 )

I am fed up with such people who do not know how to talk directly and will simply try to twinkle their brains instead of applying any logic as to what to do next. Even the smallest conversations could be done without using this radical technology known as the use of mobile phones.  Even if a person is not even 1 kilometer away, they would use their pathetic way as mentioned already and it is quite irritating to the other person. I would never in my whole life look into the nuances these certain types of people keep creating for me because I have learned to ignore not just certain obstacles but even people also as I am no anymore that person that can be in a state of emotions. As I have left emotions behind myself in such cases. Anyway, meaningless people who are not giving me anything are already something that is somewhat not a big problem anymore as they are just tiny particles that should be overlooked.  I have started giving life a new turn where I am feeling good as now I...

Dream Land ( Part 12 )

This was the hardest dream that I had ever faced as it was one heck of a ride that is somewhat true. I liked the way that the partner or perhaps my blood stepped into the battle to protect me.  Even though it was a necessary measure that had to be taken So let's just get tagged along with the main story. There were a bunch of goons who had cornered me so that my escape becomes invisible even though I did not know what kind of narrow scene was as the dream was giving me shockwaves one after another.  There was this own blood who was fighting by my side but not physically but only in verbal terms was the dream taking place. I am proud to have such a brother with so many skills.  I do not want him to leave him at all costs matter what happens. His main are my burdens as I cannot leave him in any distress.  Let's meet in another passage as to what would have happened but this is no joke sir only and only the facts are enlisted here. Till Next Time See Yaa...

Thoughts Of The Writer ( Part 10 )

  It is so hard to realize self-importance in front of your family members as it takes a toll on expressing oneself in front of others. In other words, it is kind of difficult to describe certainly important aspects to them as it becomes tiring as well as exhaustive to reach out to caution yourself in front of others. I know how much I have lost my value in the past few days but what to do.  I do wish there was a patting angel on my shoulder every time. I went in to look into my mirror, it shows me exactly how I look and in how many ways my emotions flow from one end to another but there are not many emotions in me. I am a person who needs lots and lots of attention for taking care of myself as I feel lost at times when I am in the gloomy sky above me which has lots of loopholes.  Let's talk about this conversation further in the next passage which will come soon …. Till Next Time.... See Ya... 

Outburst Of Emotions ( Part 5 )

  I know knee now that the storm has just passed away but has left its fragments of stones on me. I am not in a position to bargain but I would do something now that I have finally concluded.  I do not know where to start and what to write in today's edition but I promise to meet everyone's expectations. I do not know what I wrote earlier was it relevant or am I being just controlled as a doll.  Even though a doll cannot do much on its own and such is the case with myself in these past few unnatural days where unnatural events keep on hitting like a stigma but patience is the old world and the new one that comforts me is the patient itself.  I was feeling as if I could not hold anymore all the damage that has taken its toll.  I am barely breathing against my lungs but even though just simply saying out the truth even loud does not have my kind of effect unless you got some sort of evidence with you. I have started collecting the evidence as I do not want people ...

Outburst Of Emotions ( Part 4 )

It saddens me too much to be in midst of silence all the time. I keep on waiting and waiting in the Que without any reason to set my thoughts free from this burden chain of being surrounded by people who simply all of a sudden lost interest in you.  There are strange events that keep appearing as well as disappearing as if I am a none living object with no feelings. I do not like to express my feelings with words but deep down I know the kind of pain I get.  The calming atmosphere in such a scenario is not at all what I am expecting and taking autonomous decisions on behalf is something that I am not liking one bit as there are certain things in life in which only I and only need to be at the forefront.  Some people have got a ridiculous habit of changing the entire path of one's life by misleading him and by making him work in such conditions where there is no self-benefit. I am tired of screaming inside and I just want people around me to behave in a normal kind of mann...

Outburst Of Emotions ( Part 3 )

This world is filled up with people who are simply least bothered about their whereabouts and having such dumb people have not made me show the mirror for which it was looking out the kind of reflection and its overall impact has given me lots of negativity.  And to be honest I need to distance myself from such diseaseful people who are not only showing their true colors but also are trying to impose something on someone like me which is irrelevant to the content itself.  I am stuck being a useless meaningless robot who simply has to obey a set of instructions or it can also be called an order. I am not someone anymore who would tolerate insult from my family member in front of a complete outside guy.  I had swallowed the insults thrown at me but if I wanted I could have given back a proper reply. There are times plus situations wherever I feel like being silent but that is not all.  The raging or perhaps the boiling anger that could have taken adverse effects was ke...

My Query ( Part 12 )

  I have written approximately 225 posts till now but I do not know whether is a technical error from backend or front end.  I tried logging in from my mobile, tablet as well as my PC chre browser but I am still not able to find any alternative solution for this problem. Kindly please help. Thanks With Warm Regards Aditya

Dream Land ( Part 11 )

  There was this one time when I completely left strange about the mishap in the dream that I had this morning. Even though it is still unclear why something odd happened but anyway let's continue the path of the right story and let us at the same time stop moving in circles.   I was not expecting the unexpected but what to do in a dream is just a set of thoughts occurring from both sides of the brain as an imagined negative side plus the positive side as well. I could have written this much better but oh anyway let’s get going as it is time.   It all started when I had placed an order for a farmhouse pizza late in the evening. This statement also means the day before writing this article. So as I was telling that out that it was getting difficult for the delivery guy to spot the locality and most importantly the house in which I was waiting with much more patience than ever before.   Somewhere in that very dream, I hit the jackpot surprisingly and I was ...