'W' was having time of his life as he started recording the dance with his phone, and was also thinking of making the video viral. He was desperately waiting for the video to be captured by the camera of his smartphone. Whereas 'S' was displaying his dance, and at the same time fuming in anger, and concluded taking out the little jackpot that, he had with him. I forgot to mention the fact, that where ever he went, he always carried a small box with him, which was of medium size. And was rectangular as, well, as a little bit huge. Now, what was in the box, let me but in before I continue this story even further. It has gone by that anyone would ask him this question as to what was in the black box and on the outside it was written in bold letters ' Caution: Do Not Open This box'. I asked him about it earlier and in response, I came to know from the horse's mouth ( I mean my relative known as 'S' ) That he is carrying poisonous snakes in that myster...
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