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Journey To Blogging ( Part 1 )

 Hello everyone lately I was tied up with some or other work that is why I was not able to replicate newer posts for you all. So in this post, many of you would be under the impression that why have I changed the title of “Journey To Adsense. 

“ Journey Of Blogging “.Well, this is because I have elaborated too much about Adsense plus I was getting too many requests on this topic, that is why I have made up my mind on this decision and given a thought for a few moments that is let's write down this article for my viewers.

 I do hope that not much time has passed and even all of you may have gone through that post of mine where I had specially mentioned regarding the hint of upcoming passage. Let me recharge your memory by quoting the hint that I had earlier given, So it says “Indexing and more stuff.

 “. I had made an article on Indexing but all of you may be thinking that where is this “more stuff “. Please sit back and relax as I have included that subject in this ongoing passage coz this is going to be a very lengthier article than usual. Let me give you a brief intro as to what will I be presenting today.

It is not that hard to think, or is it? well, the answer is not so. Things are gonna get serious here so please do not miss out on this special occasion. This article that I am about beginning is as an apology for my fans who are still waiting for newer blogs to be shown but somehow.

 For the past 2 to 3 days, I was not building any articles as even I was too much inclined towards and even working too much towards this single article which is an eye-opener plus a refreshing thing for me. So without wasting any more time let's get things started ……


In this Bonus Series, I will be presenting to my viewers how to make a blog on from scratch, and till the end, I will be making a demo site that is usually required in this whole process. Let us begin now ……






                                             1st Step


This first step is quite too much easy so I am simply skipping this one as all of you have to do it yourself, but again I will tell you that in this step You have to log in with your Gmail address or if you are using yahoo mail also then also fine




                                  2nd Step


In this next step Go to and click on and make note that you have done step 1 first otherwise it will be a little tough


Reader: “OH OH OH   “please we want images also this is complicated “


Writer: Yes, Please

                                                                     3rd Step

                This is what will be displayed on your laptop or mobile screen after performing step one and step 2 . As indicated in the image below


                                 4th Step

In the very next step click on " Create A Blog " which is displayed on the left-hand side of your screen. This is a do it yourself activity that is why i am excluding this part 

                                  5th Step

                   On The next page, something like this will be displayed. Enter the name that you want your website should have

                           6th Step    

                For example: just to show my readers, I am putting an anonymous name like " Technology                      Provider " 

                    Step Seven

            Click Next as highlighted below in blue color 

                        Step Eight

                 On the next page, type the website name that you wish of your own choice. My suggestion is that " It should be related to the content that you will upload on your website " 

 Step Nine 

Click on " Save " as highlighted in the picture below, after typing the website name 

                                                                     Step Ten

                                              In this step, just to be sure, I have written the website name 
                                              Kindly do refer to the picture below before " step nine ".    


                                                                  Step Eleven 
                              Well, the Image below is just a preview of the hard work that you have done till now
                               Congrats, Your Blog Has been Successfully created 

Step Twelve 

In this next step, I will be personally guiding you on how to alter your settings
for getting approval from Google Adsense. Simply click on the " Settings " on the left-hand
side as highlighted below

                                                             Step Thirteen

                                         Something like this will be shown after clicking on " Settings " tab 


                                                               Step Fourteen 

                                                                    In the next step , Click on Description, as indicated below


                                                                             Step Fifteen 

                                           In the next step, write down a few words about your website as I have                                                       written for the demo website below in the image. After writing automatically
                                          Click on "Save "

Step Sixteen 

Do not change default settings as shown in the image below

Step Seventeen

Simply do not change these settings also

Step Eighteen

In this next step, let be like this

Step Nineteen

In the next step, I will be making you alter settings of comment section as highlighted

Step Twenty

This step is a do it yourself activity 

so please kindly find the " comment moderation " box as displayed below
it will be by default set to " Never " 

Step Twenty One 

In the next step, click on " Always " as indicated below after
finding the " comment moderation box 

Step Twenty-Two

Step Twenty Three

I would recommend that set it on anyone which can include even those who
do not have an emaail account to comment upon your comment

Step Twenty Four

This is also a do it yourself activity of finding 
" comment form message " .
I ccan only act as a " Guiding Torch " in this whole process
So write whatever text you find is appropriate in the box on your " Comment form message "
Usually I would again recommend write something that acts as a friendly warning to the readers viewing your website and especially when they are giving a comment.Do click on " Save " after writing.

Step Twenty Five

I am omitting some settings which are no need of making any modifications 

Step Twenty Six

In this next phase , refer to the next step

Step Twenty Seven

Try to set the time zone with your  own country and click " Save " 

Step Twenty Eight 

Look for this option and turn it " on " 

Step Twenty Nine

This is just to make it easier for you to find , what has to be done in accordance with " step Twenty Eight "

Step Thirty 

I am posting this in response for a clear view as indicated in the image below with reference with " Step Twenty Nine "

Step Thirty One

Now what will be written exactly in the " Custom Robots Txt file " .
hmmm ??? Still thinking 
worry no more 
check the next step

Step Thirty Two

Write as it is as it is indicated in the picture below
please do wait there is more stuff that needs to be included while writing after this
Simply check the next Step

Step Thirty Three

" There Is More To It That Meets The Eye "

above is a screenshot of what should be written plus there is more to it.
What will be written in " Sitemap " is another task. For that i will make another blog. 

Step Thirty Four

This feature of " Monetzation " should be turned on all the times in order to generate revenue from ads.
Please find this feature and then refer to the image below for this process.

Step Thirty Five

After this much process, now let us choose a friendly theme for you that will get an approval from Google Adsense. For this step click on the " theme" which is located at the left hand corner as shown below.

Step Thirty Six

Something like this will be displayed as shown below on the next screen

Step Thirty Seven

Hover down with your mouse or press downward key on your keyboard until you reach this theme as displayed below

Step Thirty Eight

Select any one theme of your choice under " Notable Theme "

                                                                 Step Thirty Nine

                                                       Click on the apply button as not highlighted but shown in the picture                                                                                  below


Step Forty

Hint for next passage ( Adsense )
There will be a display of a few words on your screen after clicking on the " apply " button as
displayed below

Step Forty One

Above is the preview of all the hard work we have done so far for
the demo website

Step Forty-Two

In the next step, straight away go to " Google Search Console ". If
someone does not know how to get to search console, well i
have already made an article and I will leave a link in the description
for those not gone through that article

Step Forty-Three

In the next step, please I am excluding this step kindly please enter your homepage website URL
in the " Domain blank box " without entering any stuff like ( .com ) in the end as well
as  ( HTTP:// )

Last Step

Hit enter and that is it, above message shows that your website is 
officially verified as per its ownership in Google 

UH OH …… What happened write some more here. Things are just getting interested but please bear with us.

As we are round the clock working so hard to present such unique content for anyone reading our articles.

 Please do share this article for the hard work done on it. Thank You, everyone and I will see you next time. Till then 

Stay Safe 

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