Let me make one thing clear before I get along in this passage that parents whether old or young must never be shown the door of the outside world as their place lies not within our house but also much more closer to ourselves. These we are living in a very techno-savvy kind of world where all the time we have glued our eyes in front of our not so friendly friend which can be in the form of a cell phone.
Yes, I agree that it can be used in times of emergency but the rest of the time can be sparred with our old parents. Life can give us another opportunity of affording a mobile but there is no other opportunity when the most precious gems are concerned.
Anyway, I do not want to either debate for or against the nature of this passage but I will be giving some rather few pointers to be noted down and that too is not our notebooks but in our brain so, that we can recall it at a later date.
As we grow up in life we tend towards being dependent on someone or the other for our needs and these needs can also be in the form of materialistic needs in most cases. When we are expecting help from someone and that also with unconditional love ❤️ then we should help these so-called people in our life whose place lies at number one in our life.
As time passes away, it may be due to some level of realization but in the end, they are our life supporters, and it is a pitiful sight to watch that in today's times these newer generations have got such beliefs that they throw away the people that they care about in what can be called as " Old Age Homes ". It is time that we stand up and awake our inner spirit
To Be Continued.....
See Yaa...
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