Exams are something that play a very crucial role in today ' s times and
will always have significant impact even the future ahead. I will give you some
personal tips that will be very helpful in your entire life and plus exams in
my sense is something that keep happening whether you are prepared or
Take it as a challenge and by focusing on topic of your exam, develop an imaginery
kind of person who is in front of you and think about whatsoever is written in
that topic in front of you like notes and then after reading few sentences
envelop all those notes with that imaginery person.
I know for some of you it is little bit tough to go through such an activity
but it kinds of helps in understanding the basic concepts of a book. For
example' what is an apple? ' This is a question, now for writing an
answer take an apple in hand and study various types of things by
describing its physical properties, things that it is made up of plus
its benefits.
Well , this was a very simple to explain the answer. Everything is easy, the
only thing that learner has to do is to be hardly driven by reading books all
the time. Sometimes it is not the quality that matters but in real sense I
would give more credit to its quantity plus if you can really master act of
both quality as well as quantity then too good. But let me keep it simple and I
know that many of you are wondering that why did I mention only quantity, well
answer for this question is quite simple many a times it happens when we want
to read and remember all the sentences of a text but this method always fails.
Remember at this point it does not matter how many marks you score in
your exam but what matters the most is the actual hard work done and how much
you know is what that counts only.
Many a times we are in a state that, it happens sometimes that we
often forget to prepare for exams and then also in examination centers we make
silly mistakes in the form of cheating from somebody .Well if you ask me this
is some activity which you must avoid at all times. It is not even about that
someone will catch you while doing this and your exam paper will get cancelled.
It is about your future that matters.
Attempting such items like cheating will only draw danger to you, as this
not even recommended practice. It is all about being focussed on your studies
at hand leaving behind all unnecessary ....
Do you feel That I am leaving you behind when my article was just getting
started. Do not worry I promise that next instalment of this passage which is
tomorrow will even get more interesting. Please stay tuned and please share my
article as I am doing lit of hard work the making.
To be Continued . . . .
The Corona Pandemic has shown that the whole World and a country like India and an institution like IGNOU can provide e – learning technologies to its learners at low cost and the whole gamut of higher education can be taken care of successfully through distance – mode.
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